Comprehensive medication review launched!

Comprehensive Medication Review can now be performed for every patient with clinical decision support system EBMEDS®

Presently only one in three elderly and / or multimorbid patient receives adequate medication. To overcome this problem Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd has developed a Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR), which is an integral part of the clinical decision support system (EBMEDS®).

Comprehensive Medication Review module will include renal function and drug dosage, serious drug-drug interactions, data on indications and contraindications related to drugs and the burden of adverse effects caused by drugs.

Feedback from healthcare professionals, doctors and nurses, using CMR in Tampere, Finland:

“With comprehensive medication review I will get automatically GFR value for each of my patient”.

“Laboratory results, drug lists and reminders on relevant topics are presented in a single summary report, which helps a lot”.

“The application is fast and easy to use. I now have more time to communicate with my patient”.

“It is practically impossible for any doctor to remember all the relevant issues for each drug. With CMR these issues will be covered automatically. Saves my day”!


For more information, contact
Timo Haikonen, email: timo.haikonen[a]