Next to the Baltics with Synbase; EBMG and EBMEDS

Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd and Celsius Data, Estonia have agreed to expand their collaboration into Lithuania and Latvia. The focus will be in the localization of Duodecim’s Evidence Based Medicine Guidelines with new Synbase platform, which was developed by Celsius Data.

This solution will include both integrated connection to translation management system (TMS) as well as content management system. Also, the success of clinical decision support system EBMEDS in Estonia has increased the interest for the solution in the Baltics.

“We believe the success in Estonia will have a positive impact on our collaboration in other markets”, says Siim Nahkur, CEO of Celsius Data. “Our solutions can improv the efficiency of healthcare and increase patient safety, not to mention potential cost savings”, states Dr Pekka Mustonen, CEO of Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd.

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Learn more about EBMEDS Clinical Decision Support