Script editor 2.0

Editor User Interface Layout

The script editor layout has changed from the earlier version. The new version has a top menu that has items depending on your user rights. From this menu you can view scripts, aliases, messages, various tools and do compiling. Additionally, the top menu has country and language selection as well as user logout links on the right side.

The left menu contains available actions and quick links for the current page. In the screenshot below, the user is in the main script listing with only one available action: to create a new script.

Scripts, Aliases and Messages (in the top menu) each contain a list view where there is a search field that can be used to find the item you are looking for.

The amount of left menu items can be much longer. Here is the same menu after selecting a script from the list.

Menu items and available actions depend on user rights.


Script editor has a complete messaging feature that can be used for communication between script editors. Users can send messages and link messages to scripts. They can also assign tasks related to scripts for other script editors. Messages can be accessed from top menu item Messages. The number after Messages in the top menu shows how many unread messages/tasks there are for the user.

There are also messages in the script details page. Here is an example from script scr00001.

Script Status

The script status used to be completely manually handled in the Script editor user interface. With this new version, the script’s status is read-only and is mostly updated automatically. For example, when the script has the ”Idea” -status and user saves javascript for the script, then status is automatically changed to ”Javascript”.

There are some manual status changes that are all handled in the Actions menu on the left, for example ”Return to testing” as seen in the screenshot above. ”Return to testing” modifies script status from ”Published” to ”Test”.

Statuses are explained briefly in script details page in ”Metadata” -section.

In the screenshot above, the script has the Test status and the user can see an explanation what that means. The user can also view the whole status history for the selected script.

Script Publishing

If the script status is ”published”, then the latest published version of the script javascript will be included in all new data releases. Any changes in javascript will need to be published to be included.

If the script status is something else than ”published” and user selects the action ”Publish Changes” from the left menu, then the script status will be automatically changed to be ”published”.

Here is an example of script publish. In this example we publish minor change to already existing and already published script.

  1. User modifies the script javascript to set age limit from 75 to 85. He will need to click ”Save changes” -action from left menu.
  1. As the script has now been modified, the user will need to click ”Publish Changes” -action from left menu to include the change from 75 to 85 in the next data release.
  1. After ”Publish Changes” has been clicked, the user is prompted to include some comments about the new script version.
  1. Now the script details user interface displays two versions for the script with the comment that was just added.
  1. User can compare two published versions by clicking a published version from the ”Published Version” list. Here we can see that only difference between two published versions is the age change from 75 to 85.



Title, Summary, Risks, Aim, Context, Method, and Returning Messages have ”Translations” -links in script details view. These open up translations popup. Here, as an example, is the message translation popup for a Long Reminder .

The user can modify translations of the reminder and see the whole change history of the translation with highlighted differences between versions (as shown in screenshot above for english translation of the long return message). User can also define the translation status per message.


EBMEDS team hopes that you enjoy working with the new editor

If you have any feedback, please send it to